
This section we explore the human perspective of dyslexia following through the stages of development and maturity to see how dyslexia affects people.

The dyslexic is often miss-understood or stereotyped, even by those who are close to the subject.

People tend to focus on the inability and the disability, often overlooking the positives of being dyslexic. We tend to categorise people on their literacy difficulties and often consider that people ‘suffer from dyslexia’ or ‘have dyslexia’, when in reality what they do is have a differing cognitive profile and process information differently.

The dyslexic cognitive profile is different it has positives that can be better than the non-dyslexic, and it has negatives that can be exacerbated by a world structured to the needs of the non-dyslexic.

Where a person has some other differing trait we concentrate on the positives, and overlook the negatives, such as the person that is a great artist, being artistic, however shambolic the remainder of their abilities may be.

Let us look at the various aspects of the dyslexic person.