Dyslexia – Associated Conditions

There are a number of other conditions that are often associated with Dyslexia, and are also termed learning disabilities.

Whilst these are not my specialist field it is important to have an understanding of these conditions and their issues as there can be co-morbidity where a person has more than one difficulty.

For example: A dyslexic may just be dyslexic but could also be dyspraxic.

The conditions can coexist with Dyslexia:


This usually defines difficulty with spatial and perceptual skills and specifically denotes difficulty with planning and execution of movement.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Widely recognised and characterised by physical restlessness and impulsive actions in speech or movement.


Difficulty with mathematical concepts and often seen as difficulty in manipulating and processing numbers.

Asperger’s Syndrome

Normal cognitive and linguistic development but with significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.


A Hyperlexic has none of the difficulties with decoding words a dyslexic has, however they often have very poor comprehension. So while they could read the complex words correctly, they might have a poor understanding of all but the simplist concepts.